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Cette documentation a été produite avec MyPitSelf00817 |
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Cliquez et regardez l'image pendant 5 secondes, pas plus. Utilisez le bouton en haut de la nouvelle fenêtre pour la
Globalement vous avez vu des boites (les informations) et des flèches qui les relient (les interconnexions entre les informations).
Le problème était que ça devenait trop compliqué car les informations et les interconnexions à gérer étaient si nombreuses que je ne parvenais plus à intégrer toutes les contraintes fonctionnelles
ou techniques liées à ce genre de modèle.
Dans ce cas, on appelle des collègues et on fait de gros projets qui prennent du temps à mettre en place et qui finalement ne satisfont pas toujours les utilisateurs.
Vous commencez par définir un environnement de travail c'est à dire, vos bases de données (champs, tables, index, liens entre les données ...) et d'autres caractéristiques (constantes , droits des
utilisateurs, menus ...).
Puis vous générez des requêtes SQL simples grâce à un utilitaire permettant de stocker les caractéristiques de ces requêtes dans le système (type de requête, tables et champs utilisés , ...)
Certaines des requêtes sont destinées à afficher les données (SELECT d'une valeur particulière ou SELECT d'une liste de valeurs).
D'autres requêtes sont transformées en fonctions qu'il est possible d'utiliser dans le langage de MyPitSelf (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).
C'est là que le paradigme d'accès aux données est résolu: comme l'accès aux données est transformé en fonctions, et que ces fonctions sont intégrées aux programmes, il n'y a plus de requêtes SQL
au milieu des programmes source. Seuls les programmes générés contiennent des chaines de caractères contenant les requêtes.
Paradigme: Ensemble des unités qui peuvent commuter dans un contexte donné.
1°) Les SGBD sont des bons systèmes pour stocker et utiliser les données. Ils peuvent aussi être des bons systèmes pour stocker et utiliser les programmes. Donc les programmes devaient être écrits de façon à ce qu'ils puissent être mis en base pour qu'ils puissent être liés aux données qu'ils traitent. C'est pour celà que cet environnement a son propre langage. Ceci veut aussi dire que les programmes sont finalement considérés comme des données, en conséquence, on peut appliquer des traitements aux programmes.
2°) Une fois que les données sont définies, les programmes les traitent. Donc, dans ce système, la première étape est de définir les données et enfin, les programmes peuvent être écrits. Les données de base sont celles définies au niveau dans la base de donnée.
3°) Le premier programme écrit avec ce système est lui même car si ce système peut organiser et traiter des données, il permet aussi d'écrire un système pouvant organiser et traiter les données. Ceci explique la boucle dans ce shéma. |
SELECT T0.Id,T0.Nom,T0.Age FROM $Data.Gens T0 WHERE T0.Age <= %SQLPAR0% ORDER BY T0.Nom ASCUne fonction se nommant R_1203_Select() a alors été produite par le système.
Tac(// Take and call: met des valeurs dans la pile d'appel // et/ou appel des fonctions. Cst(30), // constante 30 ans mise dans une pile d'appel R_1203_Select( // Liste de ces gens, le paramètre SQLPAR0 = 30 Do( Take(T0.Nom), // mettre le contenu du champ Nom dans la pile d'appel out(1) // afficher le premier element contenu dans la pile d'appel ) // T0.Nom est retire de la pile d'appel a ce niveau ) ) // 30 est retire de la pile d'appel a ce niveauRemarque: Les interlignes sont ignorés, on aurait pu tout aussi bien écrire cette fonction sous la forme:
Tac(Cst(30),R_1203_Select(Do(Take(T0.Nom),out(1))))De même, les virgules ne sont pas obligatoires après une ). Une autre forme pourrait être:
Tac( Cst(30) R_1203_Select( Do(Take(T0.Nom),out(1)) ))Les commentaires de bloc sont délimités par /* et */, ils doivent être en colonne 1 et peuvent être imbriqués.
Ind | Function # | Parent # |
Order In Parent |
Function Name |
Function Type |
Number Of Children |
Level | C1 | C2 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Tac | f | 2 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Cst | f | 1 | 2 | ||
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 30 | v | 0 | 3 | ||
4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | R_1203_Select | f | 1 | 2 | ||
5 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Do | f | 2 | 3 | ||
6 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Take | f | 1 | 4 | ||
7 | 7 | 6 | 1 | T0.Nom | v | 0 | 5 | ||
8 | 8 | 5 | 2 | out | f | 1 | 4 | ||
9 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 1 | v | 0 | 5 |
//=============================================================== function f_5001(){ global $XVS,$XCS; // variable stack and call stack $xxSI=sizeof($XCS); // call stack init pos $xxSC=0; // Stack push count //===== Start of function ===== //=================== $req4 = " SELECT T0.Nom FROM `Gens` T0 WHERE T0.Age<=30 ORDER BY T0.Nom ASC " ; //=================== $result4=mysql_query($req4); if(mysql_errno()==0){ while($mpsrow4=mysql_fetch_row($result4)){ echo ''.$mpsrow4[0].'L'exemple précédent est simplifié mais vous pourrez voir en cliquant ici
'; // output } }else{ return(xxErrSql('1203_SELECT',mysql_error(),$req4,$xxSI)); } mysql_free_result($result4); //===== End of function ===== return(true); } //===============================================================
MyPitSelf installation.
Create database Delete database |
MyPitSelf installation.
MyPitSelfxxyzz A été créée avec succès. Vous pouver retourner sur le menu. ou bien Supprimer la base MyPitSelf |
Cliquez là Vers MyPitSelf
Vous obtenez l'écran qui vous demande votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe
Entrez "1" dans chaque champ et cliquez sur "Entrer". Maintenant si vous obtenez une fenêtre qui ressemble à celle ci, vous pouvez être content!.
Sur cet écran, il y a plusieurs boutons dans la barre de menu.
Cliquez dessus si vous voulez mais, pour le moment, ne cliquez pas sur ceux qui ne sont pas sur les menus svp.
Voyons trois d'entre eux:
Le bouton : Qui vous permet d'aller à l'écran initial.
Le bouton : Qui vous permet d'aller à l'écran précédent.
Le bouton : Qui vous permet d'aller voir la doc.
Le bouton : Qui vous permet de quitter.
Essayez le et réentrez avec 1/1 comme nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe.
Vous verrez dans les exemples permettant de savoit utiliser MyPitSelf des copies d'écrans avec des boutons qui ont une signification standardisée:
: Nouvel élément
: dupliquer un élément
: voir un élément
: Modifier un élément
: Supprimer un élément
: Liste des propriétés d'un élément
: Déplacer un élément
SELECT T0.ID,T0.Nom,T0.Priorite,T0.xRefUser FROM $Data.Taches T0 WHERE T0.Priorite <= %SQLPAR0% and T0.Nom LIKE '%%SQLPAR1%%' and T0.xRefUser = %SQLPAR2% ORDER BY T0.Priorite DESC , T0.ID DESC LIMIT $xxxlistStart , $xxxlistCount
Tac( Cst(999999999), // paramètre priorité de la tâche Cst(), // paramètre Nom de la tâche ( chaine vide ) VarG(xxUserCode), // Code de l'utilisateur ( variable globale ) Cst(3), // 3 paramètres a0_list( // afficher la liste basée sur ... Sql(1201) // ... la requête 1201 ) )veut dire:
Tac( Cst(999999999), Cst(), VarG(xxUserCode), Cst(3), a0_list( Sql(1201) ) )La fonction a0_list par définition prend 1 ou plusieurs paramètres dans la pile de variables, le premier paramètre ( 3 dans notre cas ) indiquant le nombre de paramètres à prendre dans la pile ( 99999, chaine vide, code utilisateur.
Function# |
Parent Number |
Order In Parent |
Function Name |
Function Type |
Number Of Children |
Level |
0 | -1 | 0 | 0 | INIT | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 | f | formula | 2 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 1 | g | formula | 1 | 2 |
3 | 2 | 1 | x | zone | 0 | 3 |
4 | 1 | 2 | h | formula | 1 | 2 |
5 | 4 | 1 | y | zone | 0 | 3 |
Tac( T0.ID, doSomething(), )And the new format is:
Tac( Field(T0.ID), doSomething(), )To do this, I wrote functions that did that job.
hello world
SetVar(MyVar01,Cst(Hello),Chr(39),Chr(32),Cst(world)), // puts "hello, world" in MyVar01. SetVar(MyVar01,Cst(25.5)), // now, it contains 25.5 SetVar(MyVar01,Cst(0)), // now, it contains 0 SetVar(MyVar02,Cst(ACombinedvar),Var(MyVar01)), // MyVar02 contains ACombinedVar0 SetVar(Var(MyVar02),Cst(25.5)) // ACombinedVar0 is created as a new variable // and contains 25.5 SetVar(toto,Display(1000011)) // puts the content of the message n# 1000011 in toto
AddVar(xxxx,yyyy)Adds to xxxx ( must exist ) yyyy, yyyy can be: Cst(), Var(), n ( a value in the call stack )
SubVar(xxxx,yyyy)Subs to xxxx ( must exist ) yyyy, yyyy can be: Cst(), Var(), n ( a value in the call stack )
MultVar(xxxx,yyyy)Multiply to xxxx ( must exist ) yyyy, yyyy can be: Cst(), Var(), n ( a value in the call stack )
DivVar(xxxx,yyyy)Divide xxxx ( must exist ) by yyyy, yyyy can be: Cst(), Var(), n ( a value in the call stack ) If yyyy = 0, it returns false.
RemainderVar(xxxx,yyyy)xxxx % yyyy . If yyyy = 0, it returns false.
Tac( Test( Cond(IsSet(Var(MyVar))), // or Cond(IsSet(VarG(MyGlobalVar))) IfTrue( // do something ), IfFalse( // do something else ) ) )
Tac( Var(xxxx), // xxxx is a variable name VarG(xxxx), // xxxx is a variable name Cst(yyyy) // yyyy is a constant. Chr(zzzz) // zzzz is a numeric value for an ascii code Display(nnnn) // nnnn is a message number. Field(Tn.FieldName) // The FieldName can be use in LISTFUNCT functions, ie T0.Name Funct(oooo) // oooo is the number of the function to call ffff(), // ffff is a function to call whose name is not // one of the previous in this list // The Function is called for execution )
Tac( SetVar(MyVar,Cst(Hello,world)), // defines a variable "myVar" and puts hello, world in it Var(MyVar), // push the variable in the call stack out(1) // outputs the last variable in the call stack ) // all variables pushed in this Tac() are poped
Tac( Field(T0.ID), out(1) )and the result button is in front of the record ID 1234, the source will show something like:
onclick="document.XXFNCT.value='Tac( Cst(1234), out(1) )'"
// Receives the field code and builds the string to build the sql for this field SetVar(FieldCode,1), Tac( Var(FieldCode), R_1523_Select( Do( Take(T0.Name,T0.xRefData), SetVar(FieldName,2), SetVar(DataCode,1), Tac( Cst(0), // not system Var(DataCode) Funct(6091), // builds for example ' varchar(50) NOT NULL SetVar(SqlString,Cst('`')Var(FieldName),Cst('`'),Ret(1)) // now, SqlString contains `TheFieldName` varchar(50) NOT NULL ) ) ) Swap(SqlString,1), // the function calling this one can do a // SetVar(SqlField,Ret(1)) )
Tac( SetVar(DataType,Cst(1002)), SetVar(Value,Cst(1)), FillVar(Libelle,DataType,Value), // Now Libelle contains <img src="cc.gif" /> FillPgmVar(Libelle,DataType,Value), // Now $Libelle contains <img src="cc.gif" /> Ech(Var(Lib)), )
Test( Cond(xxx), [IfTrue(yyy),] [IfFalse(zzz),] )where xxx is the condition: It can be a function ( and usually is ).
SetVar(ValueToTest,1), Tac( Var(ValueToTest), Test( Cond(Equal(0)), // the function Equal return true if the last value in varstack = it's argument. IfFalse( Msg(This will never be displayed but the program continues) ) ) )
SetVar(ValueToTest,Cst(1)), Tac( Var(ValueToTest), Test( Cond(Equal(1)), IfTrue( Msg(I do not want to continue so I exit the program ), ReturnFalse() // this instruction stops the program returning false ) ) )Example 3:
SetVar(ValueToTest,Cst()), Tac( Var(ValueToTest), Test( Cond(IsVoid()), IfTrue( Msg(I DO want to continue ), ), IfFalse( Msg(I DO NOT want to continue ), Test( Cond(Funct(123456)) // writes in errorlog something IfTrue( ReturnFalse() // if we can't write in error log, BIG ERROR ) ) ) ) )Test a function result:
Tac( Var(TableCode), Var(FieldCode), Test( Cond(Funct(Var(T0TestFunct))), // Var(T0TestFunct) contains the function number IfTrue( Tac( // do something ) ) ) )
LoopVar( xxxx, yyyy, Do(zzzz) )where xxx is a variable containing the number of loops to do.
SetVar(ValueToLoop,3), LoopVar( ValueToLoop,ind, Do( SetVar(Message,Cst('hello world '),Var(ind)), Tac( Var(Message), out(1) // outputs the 1st value in the call stack ) ) )this loop displays hello, world 1 hello, world 2 hello, world 3
SwitchCase( x01,f01(), x02,f02(), ., ., ., [flast()] )x0i are constants, f0i are functions
Tac( Cst(0), SwitchCase( 0, out(OK), 1, Tac( DoManyThings(), out(OK) ), out(KO) // default ) )outputs OK and continues
Tac( Cst(2), SwitchCase( 0, out(OK), 1, out(OK), out(KO) ) )outputs KO, and continues
Tac( Cst(2), SwitchCase( 0, out(OK), 1, out(OK) ) )returns false ( it's a bug because the case has not been considered )
Equal(xxxx), EEqual(FALSE),EEQUAL(NULL) // does a type check ( === in php ) Greater(xxxx), Lower(xxxx), LowerEqual(xxxx) GreaterEqual(xxxx) IsVoid() IsNotVoid() IsNumeric()where xxxx is a constant or xxxx = Var(yyyy)
Tac( SetVar(src,Cst('this is a . bug ;')), // SetVar(src,Cst('$temp="This correct";')), PhpTest(retour,src), Var(retour), Test( Cond(EEqual(FALSE)), IfTrue( out(KO), ReturnFalse() ), IfFalse( out(
OK) ) ) )
SetVar(FileName,Cst('helloworld.htm')), SetVar(FileContent,Cst('hello, world')), a0_File( FileName(FileName), FilePtr(fp), Action(w), Do( a0_a0_WriteInFile(FileContent,fp) ) )this writes a file "helloworld.htm" containing the string "hello world".
SetVar(FileName,Cst('helloworld.php')), SetVar(FileContent,Cst(' echo "hello, world\\n" ;')), a0_File( FileName(FileName), FilePtr(fp), Action(w), Do( a0_WriteInSourceFile(FileContent,fp) ) ),
a0_ReadFileInVarStack( xxxx, yyyy )where
a0_File( FileName(SourceFile), // complete path FilePtr(sfp), Action(r), Do( SetVar(FileContent,Cst()), a0_ReadFileInVarStack(FileContent,sfp), a0_File( FileName(TargetFile), // complete path FilePtr(tfp), Action(w), Do( a0_WriteVarStackInFile(FileContent,tfp), ) ) ) )
SetVar(FilePath,VarG(xxPaWr),VarG(xxDatB),Cst(/../)), SetVar(FileName,Cst(^.*$)), Tac( Var(FilePath), Var(FileName), a0_DirList( SetVar(FileName,3), SetVar(FileSize,2), SetVar(FileTime,1), SetVar(SourceFileContent,Cst()), SetVar(SourceFile,VarG(xxPaWr),VarG(xxDatB),Cst(/../),Var(FileName)), SetVar(TargetFile,VarG(xxPtaW),Cst(../),Var(FileName)), a0_File( FileName(SourceFile), FilePtr(SourceFp), Action(rb), Do( a0_ReadFileInVarStack(SourceFileContent,SourceFp), a0_File( FileName(TargetFile), FilePtr(TargetFp), Action(wb), Do( a0_WriteInBinaryFile(SourceFileContent,TargetFp) ) ) ) ) ) )
a0_Directory(x,path)Where x = c ( create ) or d ( delete ).
Tac( SetVar(TargetBackup,VarG(xxPtaB),LowerCase(SystemDbToBackUp)), a0_Directory(c,TargetBackup), )
SetVar(FilePath,Cst()), // The path is void ( current path ) SetVar(FileName,Cst(^styles.*\php$)), // file name looks like styles_*.php Tac( Var(FilePath), Var(FileName), SetVar(CurrentSkin,Display(1000063),VarG(xxUserSkin),Cst(
)), Ech(Var(CurrentSkin)), // the current skin is: a0_DirList( SetVar(FileName,3), SetVar(FileSize,2), SetVar(FileTime,1), SetVar(Button,Funct(239)), Tac( Var(FileName), Cst(1), Cst(OPTION), // CLASS of the button Cst(.), // Image Var(FileName), // TITLE (Tool tip of the button) Var(FileName), // text displayed on the button Var(Button), // Function number to call Funct(1001), SetVar(Button1,1,Cst(
)), // Put the html code in a variable to display it ), Ech(Var(Button1)) // displays the button ) )
Tac( SetVar(DirPath,VarG(xxPaWr)), SetVar(Patern,Cst('^.*$')), Var(DirPath), Var(Patern), a0_DirDirList( SetVar(DirName,2), SetVar(DirTime,1), Tac( Var(DirName), Test( Cond(Equal(VarG(xxVers))), IfFalse( Tac( SetVar(FromDir,VarG(xxPaWd),Cst('')), SetVar(ToDir,VarG(xxPaWr),Var(DirName),Cst('/')), SetVar(FileName,Cst('^a0_styles_[0-9]*\\..*s$')), // .js or .css Cst(0), // silent does not echo the copy if 1 Var(FromDir), Var(ToDir), Var(FileName), a0_CopyFileDir(), ) ) ) ) ) )
Tac( SetVar(DirPath,VarG(xxPaWr)), SetVar(Patern,Cst('^'),VarG(xxVers),Cst('.*$')), Var(DirPath), Var(Patern), a0_DirDirList( SetVar(DirName,2), SetVar(DirTime,1), Tac( Var(DirName), Test( Cond(Equal(VarG(xxVers))), IfFalse( Tac( SetVar(FromDir,VarG(xxPaWd),Cst('')), SetVar(ToDir,VarG(xxPaWr),Var(DirName),Cst('/')), SetVar(FileName,Var(ToDir),Cst('mps_style_*.*')), a0_DeleteFile(Var(FileName)), SetVar(silent,Cst(0)), // silent does not echo the copy if 1 SetVar(FileName,Cst('^mps_style_.*s$')), // .js or .css a0_CopyFileDir(FileName,FromDir,ToDir,silent), // ..... etc ) ) ) ) ) )
a0_list( Sql(xxxx), [ShowVar(zzzz),] [FieldToUpdate(iiii),FieldToSee(jjjj),] [Header(Funct(kkkk)),Line(Funct(llll)),] [NoCounter(),] [Hidden(Var(mmmm)),] [Range(Var(nnnn))] )where xxxx is the number of the sql request. It must be a SELECT LIST type.
SELECT T0.Code,T0.Priority,T0.Name,T0.TimeStampCreate,T0.TimeStampUpdate FROM $xxDatB.yTodo T0 WHERE T0.User = %SQLPAR0% and T0.Priority >= %SQLPAR1% and ucase( T0.Name ) LIKE ucase( '%yDoc%' ) and T0.Code <= %SQLPAR3% ORDER BY T0.Priority ASC , T0.Code DESC LIMIT 30The values %SQLPARn% are the input criterias for the todo list. These values must be put in the call stack before the call to a0_list and you must add the number of parameters of the request as the last value in the call stack.
Tac( Var(xxUserCode), // parameter 1: user code ( %SQLPAR0% ) Cst(0), // parameter 2: priority ( %SQLPAR1% ) Cst(), // parameter 3: content of the todo ( yDoc ) Cst(999999999999999999), // parameter 4: code of the todo ( %SQLPAR3% ) Cst(4), // There are 4 parameters. a0_list( Sql(101) ) )Important point end:
SELECT DISTINCT | add a "DISTINCT" in front of the select |
LIST LIMIT | Fixees the number of record to be output |
Line height | Line height in pixel of the list |
Cell padding | Cell padding in pixelx of the values in the list |
OPTION COLUMN WIDTH | width of the column that contains the option buttons |
Do not put the list in a table | Normally, a list is put in a table, setting this flag to 1 prevents it. |
GoTo buttons in a list |
Add one more access ![]() |
Line function | Reference of the line function to use to display the data |
Header function | |
NoMenu | |
Before list function | |
After list function |
SetVar(ToDisplay,VarG(xxxHeader)), Tac( Var(ToDisplay), Cst(<), CutWithoutLastCharEqual(), // take off </td> SetVar(ToDisplay,1,Cst(<td>Stack</td></tr>)), Ech1(Var(ToDisplay)) )An example of a Line function is
Tac( // Line function of list of 1453 SetVar(Option,VarG(xxxOptionLine)), SetVar(Button,Funct(5574)), VarG(T0Code), Cst(1), Cst(.), // CLASS Cst(u.gif), Display(2000215), Display(2000214), // text displayed on the button Var(Button), Funct(1001), SetVar(Option,Var(Option),1), SetVar(ToDisplay,VarG(xxxStartLine),Var(Option),Cst(</td>),VarG(xxxValueLine),Cst(</tr>)), Ech1(Var(ToDisplay)) ),
a0_Screen( Mode(xxxx), Sql(yyyy), [ShowVar(zzzz),] [After(Funct(iiii))|ScreenAfter(Funct(iiii),] [Replace(T0.jjjj,Var(kkkk)),] [NoLock(),] [NoLog(),] [Under(Funct(llll))] )where
a0_Screen( Mode(Create), Sql(1014), ScreenAfter(Funct(4021)) )
SELECT T0.Code,T0.Priority,T0.Name FROM $xxDatB.yTodo T0 WHERE T0.Code = %SQLPAR0%Note that the T0.Code, the auto incremented field is hidden ( go to the Request menu for select 1002, click on the Fields button, and View the T0.Code Field ).
a0_Screen( Mode(Create), Sql(1002) )
Tac( Field(T0.Code), // first and only parameter of the request a0_Screen( Mode(Update), Sql(1002), NoLock() ) )
a0_AskData( [Display(xxxx),] LaunchButton(Display(ZZZZZZ)), Par(yyyy,zzzz,Default(Var(kkkk)),OnUpdate(Funct(1234)),[,,,] [LaunchButton(llll),|NoLaunchButton()] Tac( SetVar(Value0,Input(0)),[,,,] ffff() ) ) where
xxxx: can be a number and it displays the message number xxxx or Var(VariableName) ant it displays the content of the variable VariableName
llll = Display(iiiii) or Var(eeeee) to display a different text on the launch button than "GO"
yyyy: a string and if equals to Display(nnnn) it displays the message number nnnn
zzzz: either Data(iiii) where iiii is a number of a data in the Data menu
or a function to get the value from a table like
Tac( Cst(i),[,,,] Cst(j), a0_list( Sql(llll), FieldToUpdate(T0.FieldToUpdate), FieldToSee(T0.FieldToSee) ) ) (see the a0_list function for the syntax )
kkkkk is the name of a variable for an initial value
To get the parameters entered, use the syntax:
SetVar(Par0,Input(0)), SetVar(Par1,Input(1)), ....
See below for an example.
This command can also be used to upload a file. In this case, 5 parameters are filled.
SetVar(idRoot,1), a0_AskData( Display(2000409), Par( Display(2000320), Upload() ), Tac( SetVar(FileName,Input(0)), SetVar(FileType,Input(1)), SetVar(FileTmp,Input(2)), SetVar(FileSize,Input(3)), SetVar(FileErr,Input(4)), Var(FileErr), Test( Cond(Equal(0)), // no error IfTrue( Tac( Var(FileSize), Test( Cond(Lower(5000000)), IfTrue( // do stuff ), IfFalse( out(file greater than 5000000) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
a big example I use for my own tests is:
SetVar(MonTest,Cst('hello, world')), SetVar(hidd,Cst(1)), SetVar(show,Cst(0)), SetVar(MyDataType,Cst(14)), a0_AskData( Display(2000276), LaunchButton(Display(2000340)), Par(Display(2000292),Data(Var(MyDataType)),Default(Cst(9999-12-31)),Hide(Var(show))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(21),Default(Cst(12:00:00)),Hide(Var(hidd))), Par( Display(2000292), Tac( Cst(),Cst(INTEGER),Cst(0),Cst(9999-12-31),Cst(23:59:59), VarG(xxDefValDateTime),Cst(9999999), Cst(7), a0_list( Sql(1526), FieldToUpdate(T0.ID), FieldToSee(T0.Text) Data(22) ) ), Default(Cst(0)), Hidden(Var(show)), ), Par(Display(2000292),Data(25),Default(Var(MonTest))), // html type Par(Display(2000292),Data(27),Default(VarG(xxDefValTimeStamp))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(9), Default(VarG(xxDefValDateTime))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(2), Default(Cst(1))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(26),Default(Cst(1235.02003))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(20),Default(Cst(1235.02))), Par(Display(2000292),Data(1002)), Par(Display(2000292),Data(1015)), Tac( out(liste des valeurs egal), out(11), out(10), out(9), out(8), out(7), out(6), out(5), out(4), out(3), out(2), out(1) ) ) Tac( Var(xxxShowForm), Test( Cond(Equal(1)), IfTrue( Tac( // if form display ) ) ) )
Tac( Cst(Hello), Cst(world), out(2), // outputs Hello out(1), // outputs world out(hello world) // outputs hello world ShowMsg(1000011) // outputs Hello SetVar(TheMessage,Display(1000011)), Ech(Var(TheMessage)), // outputs Hello, world )
Tac( menu(), LogTheCall(), SetVar(NbTotChap,Cst(0)) R_1798_Select( Do( Take(T0.Code), AddVar(NbTotChap,Cst(1)) ) ), .... )This function is usually used withs the menu() function
R_1585_Select( Do( Take(T0.Value), SetVar(Val,1), SetVar(JsFileContent,Cst(' Alert(\''),ToJsAlert(Val),Cst('\');\n')) ) )
R_1585_Select( Do( Take(T0.Value), SetVar(Val,1), SetVar(JsFileContent,Cst(' var MyJsVariable=\''),ToJsHTML(Val),Cst('\';\n')) ) )
Menu(), //Convert to function a0_AskData( Par(Display(2000121),Data(6)), Tac( SetVar(Original,Input(0)), SetVar(Original,FunctionEntities(Original)), SetVar(out,Cst('<pre>Cst(\''),Var(Original),Cst('\')</pre>')), Ech1(Var(out)), ) )So if in input there is ( there is a line feed at the end )
SetVar(NewPassword,2), SetVar(NewPasswordConfirm,1), Test( // is the new password = confirmation ( passwords have to be entered twice ) Cond(Equal(Var(NewPassword))), IfFalse(ShowMsg(1000009),ReturnFalse()) ), Test( Cond(Match('^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6,32})$')) // contains only alpha IfFalse( ShowMsg(1000010),ReturnFalse() ) )
Tac( SetVar(DataValueList,Cst('a, b , c , bla bla ')), CutWithLastChar(DataValueList,Var(DataValueList),Cst(',')), Ech1(Var(DataValueList)) // outputs "a, b , c ," )
Tac( SetVar(DataValueList,Cst('a, b , c , bla bla ')), CutWithoutLastChar(DataValueList,Var(DataValueList),Cst(',')), Ech1(Var(DataValueList)) // outputs "a, b , c " )
Tac( SetVar(FieldList,Cst(,toto,tata,titi)) SetVar(FieldList,CutString(FieldList,1,1000)), // now contains toto,tata,titi SetVar(FieldList,Cst(toto,tata,titi,)) SetVar(FieldList,CutString(FieldList,0,-1)), // now contains toto,tata,titi )or
SetVar(x,VarG(xxPaWr)), SetVar(x,Len(x)), SetVar(Path,VarG(xxPtaI)), SetVar(Path,Cst('../'),CutString(Path,Var(x),1000)),
Tac( //==================== LowerCase ============ SetVar(str,Cst(HeLLo)), SetVar(str,LowerCase(str)) // contains hello // or SetVar(str,Cst(HeLLo)), Var(str), SetVar(str,LowerCase(1)) // contains hello // or SetVar(str,LowerCase(VarG(xxxVarGvalue))) //==================== UpperCase ============ SetVar(str,Cst(HeLLo)), SetVar(str,UpperCase(str)) // contains HELLO // or SetVar(str,Cst(HeLLo)), Var(str), SetVar(str,UpperCase(1)) // contains HELLO // or SetVar(str,UpperCase(VarG(xxxVarGvalue))) )
Tac( SetVar(Content,Cst('MyFunct(hello)')), SetVar(Replace,Cst('/MyFunct\\((\\w*)\\)/')), SetVar(With,Cst('<a href="javascript:popup(\'\\\\1\')"><img src=../sc.gif border="0" alt="" ></a>')), RepPreg(Replace,With,Content), )
SetVar(ToSearch,Cst('/')), Var(ToSearch), Var(T0NewValue), Test( Cond(StringIsInString()), IfTrue( SetVar(pos,strpos(T0NewValue,ToSearch)) // pos contains the position of the string to search. ) )
Tac( SetVar(ToSearch,Cst('-'),Var(DocDisp),Cst('-')), Var(ToSearch), Var(DocHiLight), Test( Cond(StringIsInString()), IfTrue( SetVar(Name,span(ECHO,Name)) // $Name='<span class="zz_echo">'.$Name.'</span>'; ) ), )or declare a span with an ID
SetVar(Name,SpanId(MYSPAN,ECHO)) // $Name='<span id="MYSPAN" class="zz_echo"></span>';or declare a span with an ID as variable with or without a class
SetVar(Ms,Cst('createFields_'),Var(TableCode)), SetVar(out,SpanVar(Ms),Var(BAll),SpanEnd()), // $Out='<span id="'.$Ms.'">'; or SetVar(out,SpanVar(Ms,ZZHID),Var(BAll),SpanEnd()), // $Out='<span id="'.$Ms.'" class="ZZHID">';or declare a span with an ID and a style
SpanStyle(SvgC,display:inline;), // $Out='<span id="SvgC" style="display:inline;">';or declare a span with a class
SpanClass(ECHO), // $Out='<span class="zz_echo">';or declare a span START with an ID
SetVar(Name,SpanIdSt(MYSPAN,ECHO)) // $Name='<span id="MYSPAN" class="zz_echo">'; // or SetVar(Name,SpanIdSt(MYSPAN)) // $Name='<span id="MYSPAN">';or declare a span End
SetVar(Name,SpanEnd()) // $Name='</span>';
Tac( SetVar(Button,Funct(6202)), Cst(0), Cst(.), Cst(p.gif), Display(2000079), Display(2000079), Var(Button), Funct(1001), SetVar(Button,HiddenSpan(BOT1,1)), Ech1(Var(Button)), CopySpan(BOT1,AFTERFUNCTIONLIST), // or AFTERLISTTITLE for example )
Tac( SetVar(Button,Cst('<span id="BOT1" style="display:none">'),1,Cst('</span>')), Ech1(Var(Button)), CopySpan(BOT1,AFTERLISTTITLE), )Or
Tac( SetVar(Spa01,Cst(BOT1)), SetVar(Spa02,Cst(AFTERLISTTITLE)), SetVar(Button,Cst('<span id="BOT1" style="display:none">'),1,Cst('</span>')), Ech1(Var(Button)), CopySpan(Var(Spa01),Var(Spa02)), // copy Spa01 in Spa02 )
Tac( SetVar(out,Cst('<table><tr><td class="zz_record">')), Ech(Var(out)), // the tree is embeded into a table JsTreeInit(d1,treeCurr,treeInit,Funct(0001),Funct(0002)), // d1 is the javascript tree object // funct 0001 is the function to activate a branch // treeCurr is the reference to the current displayed Id // treeInit is the reference to the root id of the tree // funct 0002 is the function to manage the fold/unfold + and - buttons //========= <branches Cst(d1), // name of the JsTree object Var(treeInit), Var(treeInit), Var(treeCurr), Var(treeList), Cst(0), Funct(0003) // function to display a branch //========= branches> JsTreeOutput(d1,treeList), // outputs the tree SetVar(out,Cst('</td></tr></table>')), Ech(Var(out)), )
Tac( JsTreeInitMove(treeTree,treeCurr,treeInit,Funct(0004),treeToMove), )
Tac( Var(treeDisp), Test( Cond(Equal(Var(treeInit))), IfTrue( JsTreeRoot(TreeRef,treeDisp,Name,HasChild) ), IfFalse( JsTreeElement(TreeRef,treeDisp,Name,HasChild,Parent) ) ) )
Arg(field), Arg(Value), Tac( JsUpdateParentFieldNumber(field,Value), )Equivalent to
<script type="text/javascript"> this.parent.document.getElementById(\''.$field.'\').value=numberToFormat(\''.$Value.'\'); </script>Updates the "field" in the parent window with a TEXT value
Arg(field), Arg(Value), Tac( JsUpdateParentFieldTEXT(field,Value), )Equivalent to
<script type="text/javascript"> this.parent.document.getElementById(\''.$field. '\').value = \''.str_replace( '\'' , '\\\'' , str_replace( '\\' , '\\\\',$Valeur ) ) . '\'; </script>
R_nnn_Select( Do( Take(T0.FIELDi,T0.FIELDj,,,), // value of the fields are pushed in the call stack ffff() // function[s] is[are] called ) // values of the fields are poped )The field order given in the request can be anything.
Tac( Var(IndiceToDelete), R_nnn_Delete() )The Call stack should contain the parameters of the Delete.
Tac( Var(RecordToUpdate), Var(FieldToUpdate), R_nnn_Update() )The Call stack should contain the parameters of the Update.
Tac( Var(ValueToInsert), R_nnnn_Insert(1) // or R_nnnn_Insert(0) if you do not // want to want to know the last_insert_id SetVar(NewId,Var(R_nnnn_IOne)), // if R_nnnn_Insert(1) )The Call stack should contain the parameters of the Insert.
Tac( Var(ValueToInsert), R_nnn_Manual(ffff()) )The Call stack should contain the parameters of the request.
SetSessionVar(xxx)Updates a session variable with the 2nd last value contained in the call stack.
Tac( Var(NewGroupValue), SetSessionVar(xxUserGroup), Home() )Now, the user will have the menus of the group number contained in the variable NewGroupValue
Tac( CreateSessionValue(TheNewSessionValue), // define the session value, now, // xxxSessionTheNewSessionValue exists in the VarStack Var(TheValue), SetSessionValue(TheNewSessionValue) // puts TheValue in xxxSessionTheNewSessionValue )Then, anywhere in the program, you can use the code:
Tac( Cst(), // put a space in the call stack GetSessionValue(TheNewSessionValue), // puts the session value in the call stack ( replaces the space) SetVar(TheValue,1) // puts the value in a variable. )
Tac( Cookie(Cst(MyCookieName)), // puts the cookie value of MyCookieName in the stack Test( Cond(Greater(Var(Total))), IfTrue( SetCookie(Cst(MyCookie),Cst(0)) ) ) )Second way: put it in a variable
Tac( SetVar(MyCookieValue,Cookie(Cst(MyCookieName))), Var(MyCookieValue), Test( Cond(Greater(Var(Total))), IfTrue( SetCookie(Cst(MyCookie),Cst(0)) ) ) )
Tac( // these functions use javascript to display the date SetVar(MyDate,Cst(2003-10-05)), SetVar(MyDate,DateUser(MyDate,0)), // Contains 05/10/03 if we are in france ( DMY format ) SetVar(MyDate,DateUser(MyDate,1)), // Contains Lu 05/10/03 if we are in france ( DMY format ) SetVar(MyDate,DateUser(MyDate,2)), // Contains Lundi 05/10/03 if we are in france ( DMY format ) SetVar(MyDate,DateUser(MyDate,3)), // Contains Lundi 05 Octobre 2003 // If you want to use php to convert the date, use DateServer instead of DateUser )
Tac( a0_useRev_0(), SetVar(TheSource, Cst('Tac(Cst(30),R_1203_Select(Do(Take(T0.Nom),out(1))))') ), Rev_SourceToArray(FunctionSource,tf), )Now, tf is an array containing :
Ind |
Function Number |
Parent Number |
Order in Parent |
Function Name |
Function Type |
Number of Children |
Level | C1 | C2 |
0 | 0 | -1 | 0 | 0 | INIT | 1 | 0 | ||
1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Tac | formula | 2 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Cst | formula | 1 | 2 | ||
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 30 | Value | 0 | 3 | ||
4 | 4 | 1 | 2 | R_1203_Select | formula | 1 | 2 | ||
5 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Do | formula | 2 | 3 | ||
6 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Take | formula | 1 | 4 | ||
7 | 7 | 6 | 1 | T0.Nom | zone | 0 | 5 | ||
8 | 8 | 5 | 2 | out | formula | 1 | 4 | ||
9 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 1 | Value | 0 | 5 |
Tac( SetVar(Button,Funct(xxxx)), // put the function to call (xxxx) with this button in a variable Var(Value01), // argument 1 for the function xxxx Var(Value02), // argument 2 for the function xxxx Var(Value03), // argument 3 for the function xxxx Cst(3), // argument count Cst(.), // CLASS ( . = normal link ) Cst(.), // Image . if none or the name of the image in the /img directory Display(2000018), // TITLE (Tool tip of the button) Display(2000019), // text if no images Var(Button), // Function number to call Funct(1001), // or 1002 for confirm SetVar(Button,1), // Put the html code in a variable to display it Ech(Var(Button)) // displays the button )The result is a button that executes the function
Tac( Cst(1), // content of Var(Value01) Cst(2), // content of Var(Value02) Cst(3), // content of Var(Value03) Funct(xxxx) )1, 2 and 3 were contained in Valus01, Valus02, Valus03.
Tac( SetVar(BMajTitre,Funct(6783)), // function to call Var(DocDict), // argument one Cst(1), // 1 argument Cst(OPTION), // CLASS of the button Cst(u.gif), // Image Display(2000308), // TITLE (Tool tip of the button) Display(2000308), // text displayed if no image Cst(0), // x top Cst(0), // y left Cst(0), // x width Cst(0), // y height Var(BMajTitre), // funct number to call Funct(1003), SetVar(BMajTitre,1), // BMajTitre contains the code ),The result is a button that opens an other window and executes the function
Tac( Cst(123456), // content of Var(DocDict) Funct(6783) )
SetVar(Formula, Cst('Tac(Cst('), Var(TableCode), Cst('),ac_yTable_CreateSelectRequest())') ), Tac( Var(Formula), CallFormulaInStack() // The function is submited )
SetVar(Hidden, Cst('SetVar(IdContact,Cst('),Var(IdContact),Cst(')),'), Cst('SetVar(Critere,Cst(\'\'))'), ),And in the line function, I use
Tac( VarG(xxHidd), ExecuteFormulaInStack(), SetVar(IdContact,VarG(IdContact)) )
Tac( a0_Batch(Funct(xxxx)[,Log(0|1)]), // or a0_Batch(a0_yyyy([a0_zzzz])[,Log(0|1)]) )where xxxx is the function number to execute
OutputBuffering( // start buffering Tac( // do the job Var(RFileContent), PhpEvalNoReturn(), // I want to save the result of this action OutputBufferingGetContents(), // I call this, the VarStack now contains the output SetVar(WFileContent,1) // and I save it in a variable a0_File( FileName(CSSFile), FilePtr(fpw), Action(w), Do( a0_WriteVarStackInFile(WFileContent,fpw) ) ) ) )
// replace in ySource html by tidy html a0_useHtml_0() Cst(0), R_1892_Select( Do( Take(T0.Code,T0.Type,T0.Name,T0.Source), SetVar(T0Code,4), SetVar(T0Type,3), SetVar(T0Name,2), SetVar(T0Source,1), Tac( Var(T0Code), Var(T0Type), Test( Cond(Equal(DOC)), IfTrue( Tac( SetVar(IsHt,Cst(0)) SetVar(ToSearch,Cst('.htm')), Var(ToSearch), Var(T0Name), Test(Cond(StringIsInString()),IfTrue(SetVar(IsHt,Cst(1)))) SetVar(ToSearch,Cst('.html')), Var(ToSearch), Var(T0Name), Test(Cond(StringIsInString()),IfTrue(SetVar(IsHt,Cst(1)))) Var(IsHt), Test( Cond(Equal(2)), // change this to 1 to do the job IfTrue( Tac( SetVar(T0Source,html_ToXhtml(T0Source)), SetVar(T0Source,html_getBodyContent(T0Source)), Var(T0Code), Var(T0Source), R_1698_Update() ) ), ), Var(T0Code), Test( Cond(Equal(12)), // do it for one source IfTrue( Tac( Var(T0Code), Var(T0Source), // R_1698_Update() Ech1(Var(T0Source)),out() ) ), ), ) ), ), ) ) ), // 1892
Option Compare Database Option Explicit '==================================================================================== ' This VB procedure extract from an Access database to a mysql format : ' the table structure and puts it in a file named c:\temp\stru.sql, ' the table values and puts it in a file named c:\temp\data.sql, '================================== It can be easily modified to match your criterias '==================================================================================== '==================================================================================== '===================== UPDATE THIS FOR your local window setting ==================== Const Mydecimalseparator = "," ' france,italy,spain:"," , US,GB:"." , '==================================================================================== 'Create a directory name c:\temp\ 'Insert this in a vb module, place your cursor inside the extract function, and press ' the F5 key (run) on your keyboard ' If a case is not provided, the output contains an XX string so you can find ' problems looking for the "XX" string '==================================================================================== Type typfld nam As String typ As Integer End Type '==================================================================================== Sub Extract() Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim typ As String Dim dba As Database Dim rst0 As Recordset Dim shea As String Dim sdat As String Dim ttypfld(0 To 499) As typfld Dim val As Variant Dim fou As Boolean Dim dattim As Date Dim auto As String Dim dbl As Double Open "c:\temp\stru.sql" For Output Access Write As #1 Open "c:\temp\data.sql" For Output Access Write As #2 For Each tdf In CurrentDb.TableDefs If Mid(tdf.Name, 1, 4) = "MSys" Then ' do not take MSACCESS system tables Else Print #1, "CREATE TABLE `" & MyNam(tdf.Name) & "` (" i = 0 auto = "" For Each fld In tdf.Fields ttypfld(i).nam = fld.Name ttypfld(i).typ = fld.Type typ = "" If fld.Type = 1 Then typ = "ENUM('0','1')" If fld.Type = 3 Then typ = "INTEGER" If fld.Type = 4 Then typ = "BIGINT" If fld.Type = 5 Then typ = "DECIMAL(17,2)" If fld.Type = 6 Then typ = "FLOAT" If fld.Type = 7 Then typ = "DOUBLE" If fld.Type = 8 Then typ = "datetime" If fld.Type = 10 Then typ = "varchar(" & fld.Size & ")" If fld.Type = 11 Then typ = "BLOB" If fld.Type = 12 Then typ = "TEXT" If typ = "" Then typ = "XX " & fld.Type & " XX" If fld.Required Then typ = typ & " NOT NULL" End If If fld.Attributes = 17 Then typ = typ & " AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL" auto = MyNam(fld.Name) ElseIf fld.Attributes = 1 Or fld.Attributes = 2 Then typ = typ ' I don't know ElseIf fld.Attributes = 32770 Then typ = typ & "" ' hypertext link Else typ = typ & " XXX" & fld.Attributes & "XXX " End If If fld.AllowZeroLength Then typ = typ & " fld.AllowZeroLength" End If Print #1, " `" & MyNam(fld.Name) & "` " & typ & "," i = i + 1 Next If auto <> "" Then Print #1, " PRIMARY KEY (`" & auto & "`)," Print #1, ");" Print #1, "" shea = "INSERT INTO " & MyNam(tdf.Name) & " VALUES(" Set dba = CurrentDb() Set rst0 = dba.OpenRecordset(" SELECT * FROM [" & tdf.Name & "] ", dbOpenDynaset) Do Until rst0.EOF sdat = "" For j = 0 To i - 1 val = rst0(ttypfld(j).nam) fou = False If ttypfld(j).typ = 1 Then sdat = sdat & "'" If val Then sdat = sdat & "1'," Else sdat = sdat & "0'," End If fou = True End If If ttypfld(j).typ = 3 Or ttypfld(j).typ = 4 Or ttypfld(j).typ = 5 Or ttypfld(j).typ = 6 Or ttypfld(j).typ = 7 Then If IsNull(val) Then sdat = sdat & "NULL," Else dbl = val sdat = sdat & Replace(CStr(dbl), Mydecimalseparator, ".") & "," End If fou = True End If If ttypfld(j).typ = 10 Or ttypfld(j).typ = 12 Then If IsNull(val) Then sdat = sdat & "NULL," Else sdat = sdat & "'" & Replace(Replace(Replace(val, "\", "\\"), "'", "\'"), vbCrLf, "\r\n") & "'," End If fou = True End If If ttypfld(j).typ = 8 Then If IsNull(val) Then sdat = sdat & "NULL," Else dattim = val sdat = sdat & "'" & Format(dattim, "yyyy") & "-" & Format(dattim, "mm") & "-" & Format(dattim, "dd") & " " & Format(dattim, "hh:mm:ss") & "'," End If fou = True End If If ttypfld(j).typ = 11 Then If IsNull(val) Then sdat = sdat & "NULL," Else sdat = sdat & "''," End If fou = True End If If fou Then Else sdat = sdat & " XXX " & val & " XXX " End If Next sdat = Mid(sdat, 1, Len(sdat) - 1) & ");" If fou Then Print #2, shea & sdat Else Print #2, "#" & shea & sdat End If rst0.MoveNext Loop End If Print #2, "" Next Close #1 Close #2 End Sub '==================================================================================== Function MyNam(nam) As String ' Converts a fancy table name like "Détails commandes" ' to "details_commandes" Dim i As Integer MyNam = "" Dim c As String For i = 1 To Len(nam) c = Mid(nam, i, 1) If (Asc(c) >= Asc("a") And Asc(c) <= Asc("z")) Or (Asc(c) >= Asc("A") And Asc(c) <= Asc("Z")) Or (Asc(c) >= Asc("0") And Asc(c) <= Asc("9")) Then MyNam = MyNam & LCase(c) ElseIf c = "é" Or c = "è" Then ' ( this is for france, update it for other languages ) MyNam = MyNam & "e" ElseIf c = "à" Then MyNam = MyNam & "a" Else MyNam = MyNam & "_" End If Next End Function '====================================================================================
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Group`; CREATE TABLE `Group` ( `IdGroup` BIGINT( 20 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , UNIQUE (`IdGroup` ) ); INSERT INTO `Group` VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Auth`; CREATE TABLE `Auth` ( `groupId` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0', `menuId` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' ); INSERT INTO `Auth` VALUES (0, 1); INSERT INTO `Auth` VALUES (2, 1) , (2, 2) , (2, 3) , (2, 4) , (2, 5) ; INSERT INTO `Auth` VALUES (3, 1) , (3, 2) , (3, 3) , (3, 4) , (3, 9) ; # tous les groupes et leurs autorisations ( NULL si aucune autorisation pour un utilisateur ) SELECT T1.IdGroup, T0.menuId FROM `Auth` T0 RIGHT OUTER JOIN `Group` T1 ON ( T0.groupId = T1.IdGroup ) ; #returns: 1,NULL| 2,1 | 2,2 | 2,3 | 2,4 | 2,5 | 3,1 | 3,2 | 3,3 | 3,4 | 3,9 | 4,NULL | 5,NULL # tous les groupes qui n'ont pas d'autorisations ( sql précédent plus recherche de NULL ) SELECT T1.IdGroup, T0.menuId FROM `Auth` T0 RIGHT OUTER JOIN `Group` T1 ON ( T0.groupId = T1.IdGroup ) WHERE T0.menuId IS NULL ; #returns: 1,NULL | 4,NULL | 5,NULL # tous les groupes avec autorisations SELECT T1.IdGroup, T0.menuId FROM `Auth` T0 INNER JOIN `Group` T1 ON (T0.groupId=T1.IdGroup); #returns: 2,1 | 2,2 | 2,3 | 2,4 | 2,5 | 3,1 | 3,2 | 3,3 | 3,4 | 3,9 # Groupes dans la table des autorisations qui ne sont pas référencés dans la table des groupes SELECT T0.groupId , T0.menuId FROM Auth T0 LEFT JOIN `Group` T1 ON T0.groupId=T1.IdGroup WHERE T1.IdGroup IS NULL; #returns: 0,1
FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["mypsFckHtml1"] = [ ['Source','NewPage','Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteWord'], ['Undo','Redo','Find','Replace','SelectAll','RemoveFormat','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyFull'], ['OrderedList','UnorderedList'], '/', ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','Subscript','Superscript','FontSize','TextColor','BGColor'], ['Outdent','Indent','Blockquote'], ['Table','Rule','SpecialChar','PageBreak','ShowBlocks','About'] ] ;
$string = <<<XML <a> <b> <c>text <b>hello</b><i>hello</i></c> <c>stuff</c> </b> <d> <c>hella</c> </d> </a> XML; function subTree( $s , $tag ){ if(substr($s,0,1+strlen($tag))!='<'.$tag) return false; $news=''; for($i=1+strlen($tag);$i<strlen($s);$i++){ if(substr($s,$i,1) == '>') break; } $news=substr($s,$i+1); if( substr($news,strlen($news)-strlen($tag)-3) !='</'.$tag.'>') return false; return(substr($news,0,strlen($news)-strlen($tag)-3)); } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string); echo '<textarea rows="10" cols="40">' . $xml->asXML() . '</textarea><br />'; echo '<textarea rows="6" cols="40">' . $xml->b->asXML() . '</textarea><br />' ; echo '<textarea rows="6" cols="40">' . subTree( $xml->b->asXML() , 'b' ) . '</textarea><br />' ; ?>